Original image by Tre Lan
10. Buzzy Bee
Artist | Hugh Nicholson, Bob Sharpe |
Year | |
Location | Corner of Bunny Street and Lambton Quay |
Tour directions | From Seismic Shock it is just a few steps towards Lambton Quay to stumble upon Buzzy Bee. |
L&P, short for ‘Lemon and Paeroa’, is New Zealand’s iconic soft drink, invented in 1904 after its maker tasted some mineral water near the town of Paeroa and mixed it with lemon to make a particularly refreshing drink.
Sculpture background
The buzzy bee sculpture sits on top of a street sign and overlooks the Beehive, which house the ministerial offices.
The Buzzy Bee™ is New Zealand’s most famous children’s toy. This brightly coloured, wooden pull-along toy has been handed down from generation to generation and is now regarded as a major New Zealand icon. It was first produced in 1948. There would be few New Zealanders that don’t remember playing with this charming little toy in their youth.
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